176 research outputs found

    Estudio de caso: influencia del diagnóstico etiológico en las medidas terapéuticas para un niño/a

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    En este estudio se trata de determinar las diferencias en las medidas terapéuticas llevadas a cabo con dos niñas, dependiendo de si contamos con diagnóstico etiológico o no. Se observa que cuando el paciente cuenta con un diagnóstico etiológico, que a veces puede tardar años en conseguir, todo resulta más adecuado, desde la tranquilidad de los padres, hasta las medidas terapéuticas llevadas a cabo por el equipo de atención temprana. Cuando no existe un diagnóstico etiológico, lo que existen son varios tipos de diagnósticos diferentes según el médico al que acudamos. Esto deriva en un camino sin retorno, difícil e inadecuado para el niño. Es por lo tanto necesario coordinar a los diferentes profesionales y médicos que intervienen en la valoración del niño para poder llegar a un diagnóstico etiológico cuanto antes.This study is to determine the differences in therapeutic measures carried out with two girls, depending on whether we have etiological diagnosis or not. Occurs when the patient has an etiological diagnosis, which sometimes may take years to get, everything is more appropriate, from the tranquility of the parents to therapeutic measures carried out by the team of early care. When there is an etiological diagnosis, there are several types of different Diagnostics according to the doctor that we come. This results in a way no return, difficult and inappropriate for the child. It is therefore necessary to coordinate the different medical and professional involved in the assessment of the child in order to achieve an etiological diagnosis as soon as possible.peerReviewe

    Consequences in the developing cranial deformities

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    A partir de la campaña de prevención de la muerte súbita en los lactantes, han aumentado los casos documentados de deformidades craneales, sin una etiología clara y con unas consecuencias por determinar. La falta de expansión del encéfalo en determinadas partes del cráneo puede llevar acompañado falta de desarrollo psicomotor del infante. En esta investigación a partir de una muestra de la población de Burgos, se han llevado a cabo mediciones con la escala de desarrollo Brunet- Lezine, en las cuatro áreas de la escala y en la global. Los resultados muestran un retraso en el desarrollo psicomotor que se va atenuando con la edad.From the campaign of prevention of sudden death in infants, have increased the documented cases of cranial deformities, without a clear etiology and consequences to be determined. The lack of expansion of the brain in certain parts of the skull may be accompanied by lack of psychomotor development of the infant. In this research from a sample of the population of Burgos, is carried out measurements with the scale of development Brunet-Lezine, in the four areas of the scale and the global. The results show a delay in psychomotor development which is attenuating with age

    Deformidades craneales consecuencias en el desarrollo

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    A partir de la campaña de prevención de la muerte súbita en los lactantes, han aumentado los casos documentados de deformidades craneales, sin una etiología clara y con unas consecuencias por determinar. La falta de expansión del encéfalo en determinadas partes del cráneo puede llevar acompañado falta de desarrollo psicomotor del infante. En esta investigación a partir de una muestra de la población de Burgos, se han llevado a cabo mediciones con la escala de desarrollo Brunet- Lezine, en las cuatro áreas de la escala y en la global. Los resultados muestran un retraso en el desarrollo psicomotor que se va atenuando con la edad.From the campaign of prevention of sudden death in infants, have increased the documented cases of cranial deformities, without a clear etiology and consequences to be determined. The lack of expansion of the brain in certain parts of the skull may be accompanied by lack of psychomotor development of the infant. In this research from a sample of the population of Burgos, is carried out measurements with the scale of development Brunet-Lezine, in the four areas of the scale and the global. The results show a delay in psychomotor development which is attenuating with age

    Determinants of Higher Mortality at Six Months in Patients with Hip Fracture: A Retrospective Study

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    Hip fracture is a pathology with high mortality, but the lack of a universal adaptation of the factors associated with death makes it difficult to predict risk and implement prevention in this group. This study aimed to identify the factors that determine a higher mortality at six months following hip fracture

    Funciones que desempeñan los abuelos

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    Ante los nuevos cambios sociales, longevidad, divorcio, cambios en el matrimonio, y otros, nos planteamos si la relación abuelos nietos ha cobrado un significado diferente. Para ello hemos llevado a cabo un estudio con 600 abuelos de Burgos, donde tratamos de diferenciar las funciones que realizan los abuelos con los nietos. Hemos podido observar que la relación abuelo nieto se mantiene con roles tradicionales, tales como amor incondicional y malcriar, si bien la función de abuelo cuidador, sustituto a veces de los padres, ha empezado a ganar posiciones, aunque lejos de llegar a lo que denominaríamos el burning del abuelo.The new social changes, longevity, divorce, changes in marriage, and others, we are considering if the relationship grandparents grandchildren has become a different meaning. To do this we have carried out a study with 600 grandparents of Burgos, where we are trying to differentiate functions that perform the grandparents to grandchildren. We have seen the relationship grandfather grandson is maintained with traditional roles such as unconditional love and pamper, while grandfather caregiver, substitute at times of parents, function has begun to gain positions, although far reaching what calling grandfather burning.peerReviewe

    A Cross-Sectional Study: Determining Factors of Functional Independence and Quality of Life of Patients One Month after Having Suffered a Stroke

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    Loss of quality of life (QoL) and functional independence are two of the most common consequences of suffering a stroke. The main objective of this research is to study which factors are the greatest determinants of functional capacity and QoL a month after suffering a stroke so that they can be considered in early interventions

    Reliability and Validity of the Motor Activity Log (MAL-30) Scale for Post-Stroke Patients in a Spanish Sample

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    The validation of assessment instruments is of great importance when they are applied in clinical and healthcare settings, since their safe and reliable use is essential for the application of appropriate and high-quality treatments. The motor activity log (MAL-30) is an instrument widely used by professionals in the clinic, which has been validated in different countries, languages and populations. The aim of this study was to determine the reliability and validity of the MAL-30 scale for post-stroke patients in a Spanish sample.This research was funded by the CaixaBank Foundation (CAIXA-UBU002)

    Combined Effects of Citrulline Plus Nitrate-Rich Beetroot Extract Co-Supplementation on Maximal and Endurance-Strength and Aerobic Power in Trained Male Triathletes: A Randomized Double-Blind, Placebo-Controlled Trial

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    Citrulline (CIT) and nitrate-rich beetroot extract (BR) are ergogenic aids and nitric oxide (NO) precursors. In addition, both supplements seem to have other actions at the level of muscle metabolism that can benefit strength and aerobic power performance. Both supplements have been studied in numerous investigations in isolation. However, scientific evidence combining both supplements is scarce, and to the best of the authors’ knowledge, there is no current study of endurance athletes. Therefore, the main purpose of this study was to determine the effect of 9 weeks of CIT plus BR supplementation on maximal and endurance-strength performance and aerobic power in male triathletes. This study was a randomized double-blind, placebo-controlled trial where participants (n = 32) were randomized into four different groups: placebo group (PLG; n = 8), CIT plus BR group (CIT- BRG; 3 g/kg/day of CIT plus 3 mg/kg/day of nitrates (NO3−); n = 8), CIT group (CITG; 3 g/kg/day; n = 8) and BR group (BRG; 3 mg/kg/day of NO3−; n = 8). Before (T1) and after 9 weeks (T2), four physical condition tests were carried out in order to assess sport performance: the horizontal jump test (HJUMP), handgrip dynamometer test, 1-min abdominal tests (1-MAT) and finally, the Cooper test. Although, no significant interactions (time × supplementation groups) were found for the strength tests (p > 0.05), the CIT- BRG supplementation presented a trend on HJUMP and 1-MAT tests confirmed by significant increase between two study moments in CIT-BRG. Likewise, CIT-BRG presented significant interactions in the aerobic power test confirmed by this group’s improve estimated VO2max during the study with respect to the other study groups (p = 0.002; η2p = 0.418). In summary, supplementing with 3 g/day of CIT and 2.1 g/day of BR (300 mg/day of NO3−) for 9 weeks could increase maximal and endurance strength. Furthermore, when compared to CIT or BR supplementation alone, this combination improved performance in tests related to aerobic power

    Interactions between Closely Related Bacterial Strains Are Revealed by Deep Transcriptome Sequencing

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    Comparative genomics, metagenomics, and single-cell technologies have shown that populations of microbial species encompass assemblages of closely related strains. This raises the question of whether individual bacterial lineages respond to the presence of their close relatives by modifying their gene expression or, instead, whether assemblages simply act as the arithmetic addition of their individual components. Here, we took advantage of transcriptome sequencing to address this question. For this, we analyzed the transcriptomes of two closely related strains of the extremely halophilic bacterium Salinibacter ruber grown axenically and in coculture. These organisms dominate bacterial assemblages in hypersaline environments worldwide. The strains used here cooccurred in the natural environment and are 100% identical in their 16S rRNA genes, and each strain harbors an accessory genome representing 10% of its complete genome. Overall, transcriptomic patterns from pure cultures were very similar for both strains. Expression was detected along practically the whole genome albeit with some genes at low levels. A subset of genes was very highly expressed in both strains, including genes coding for the light-driven proton pump xanthorhodopsin, genes involved in the stress response, and genes coding for transcriptional regulators. Expression differences between pure cultures affected mainly genes involved in environmental sensing. When the strains were grown in coculture, there was a modest but significant change in their individual transcription patterns compared to those in pure culture. Each strain sensed the presence of the other and responded in a specific manner, which points to fine intraspecific transcriptomic modulation.The group of J.A. is funded by grant CGL2012-39627-C03-01 from the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness (MINECO), which is cofinanced with FEDER support from the European Union. P.G.-T. was an FPI-MINECO fellow. Research by the group of T.G. is funded in part by a grant from the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness (BIO2012-37161), a grant from the Qatar National Research Fund (NPRP 5-298-3-086), and a grant from the European Research Council under the European Union’s Seventh Framework Programme (FP/2007-2013)/ERC (grant agreement no. ERC-2012-StG-310325). L.P.P. was funded through the La Caixa-CRG international fellowship program

    Relación entre lactantes con deformidad craneal derecha y retraso en el área del lenguaje

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    La incidencia de la deformidad craneal en lactantes y su relación con algunos aspectos del desarrollo posterior, es un tema que preocupa a los profesionales de los distintos ámbitos como salud, psicología, educación, así como al ámbito familiar del paciente. Con este objetivo, se realizó una investigación, con una muestra de 38 lactantes que presentaban deformidad craneal a partir de un estudio longitudinal de 18 meses llevado a cabo en el Centro base de atención primaria de Burgos. Se utilizó la escala de Brunet Lezine para valorar el desarrollo en algunas áreas. Los resultados mostraron que aquellos neonatos que presentaban deformidad craneal derecha, puntuaban más bajo en el área del lenguaje de la escala, que los que tenían la deformidad craneal izquierda. Si bien, es necesaria cierta cautela en la interpretación de los resultados, se podría inferir que la deformidad, por el efecto contragolpe del cerebro, no permita la expansión correcta del área del lenguaje en estos casos. El tratamiento multidisciplinar y el seguimiento también podrían ser claves para la mejora del pronóstico.The incidence of skull deformity in infants and its relation to some aspects of further development, is a matter of concern to professionals from different areas such as health, psychology, education and the family environment of the patient. To this end, an investigation was conducted with a sample of 38 infants who had cranial deformity from a 18-month longitudinal study carried out in primary care base Burgos Center. Brunet Lezine scale was used to assess the development in some areas. The results showed that those infants who had right cranial deformity, scored lower on the language area of the scale, those who had left cranial deformity. While some caution in the interpretation of results is needed, one could infer that the deformity, the backlash effect of the brain, do not allow the proper expansion of the area of language in these cases. The multidisciplinary treatment and monitoring could also be key to improving the prognosis.peerReviewe